Organizzato da “Arti e Tradizioni” associazione e “Alterjinga” Associazione Culturale.
Da un’idea di Andrea Ferroni, direzione artistica affidata a Giorgio Pinardi.
Data/date: 28, 29, 30 april 2018
-Luogo / Place:
c/o Ass. “Arti e Tradizioni” località Montebruno, 2 – Garzigliana – TO
Corpo docenti / Teachers list :
Giorgio Pinardi
Inizia con la Musica giovanissimo, sviluppando nel Canto un percorso parallelo diviso tra Canto Moderno e “Tecniche Estese” di origine extraeuropea. Studia ed approfondisce il Canto Armonico con i Maestri Tran Quang Hai, Roberto Laneri, Marco Tonini, Papi
Moreno, Lorenzo Pierobon, Igor Ezendam, Alberto Guccione e Dandarvaanchig Enkhjargal (EPI). Approfondisce la forma corale improvvisativa nota come Circle Songs con Albert Hera, Roger Treece, Joey Blake, Rhiannon e David Worm (Voicestra), Agnieszka Hekiertgna, Studia Polifonia Africana con Anita Daulne (Zap Mama/Congo) ed il gruppo Insingizi (Zimbabwe). Realizza le musiche per mostre sull’ Africa presso il Teatro MIL di Sesto S.Giovanni per conto di una storica ONG italiana. Insegna e si esibisce in diversi contesti, associazioni e strutture lombarde e non. E’ fondatore nel 2012 dell’Associazione Alterjinga, dedicata alla diffusione, promozione e didattica della Musica e del Canto con un occhio di riguardo a tutto cio’ che non e’ convenzionale in campo artistico.
Mandaakhai Daansuren was born on 19 May 1992 in the village of Luus in the Dundgobi region of Mongolia. He learns to play Morin Khuur (horse head fiddle) with his father at the age of 9 years.
In 2010, he completed his studies at the University of Soyol (Culture) as a player and teacher of Morin Khuur. He also learns all the techniques of throat singing.
By the end of 2010, he began to promote Mongolian traditional music in Europe through his various artistic talents. He works and performs in concert with various artistic partners: Trans-Mongolia, Groupe d’Argusan, The Voice of the Steppe, Xeremia, Heejin Diamont of the Circus, Gobi-Ensemble, Duo Shono, Duo Gobi Rhapsody etc. first album in May 2016.
Kohoomii is a type of ancestral diphonic singing that reproduces natural sounds such as water flow, wind blowing, echoing mountains, the roar of thunder, the chanting of birds, etc. A diphonic vocal is characterized by a vocal technique that allows to produce several notes simultaneously by means of a single vocal organ by combining various types of voice and various positioning of tongue or lips.
TRAN QUANG HAI is a talented and renowned musician who comes from a family of five generations of musicians. had been working as an ethnomusicologist for the National Center for Scientific Research in France since 1968, attached to the Department of Ethnomusicology of the Musee de l’Homme. He is retired since May 2009.
His field is Vietnamese music, Overtone singing in Siberia. He is member of many international societies : Society for Ethnomusicology, ICTM (executive board member since 2005), Asian Music Society, French Society for Ethnomusicology (founding member), International Jew’s Harp Society (founding member), etc…
He has published 23 records on Vietnamese music (from 1971 to 1997), 4 DVD on overtone singing (2004, 2005, 2006), 2 DVD on traditional music of Vietnam (2000, 2009), 1 DVD on his life by the Belgian TV Production (2005), articles in New Grove Dictionary Music and Musicians (1st – 1980 and 2nd (2001) editions), New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments (1984) and some few hundreds of articles in different countries .
Recipient of the Medal of Cristal of the National Center for Scientific Research (France) in 1995 , of the Medal of the Knight of the Legion of Honour (France) in 2002, and of the Medal of Honour of Work, Grand Gold category (France) in 2009.
More details of his activities can be found on his website:
-Costo / Cost:
3 giorni – sabato, domenica, lunedì :
250€ a persona prenotando entro il 30 Gennaio,
290€ prenotando entro il 28 di febbraio versando 70€ di caparra.
Oppure 330€ a persona prenotando oltre il 28 febbraio.
3 days – saturday, sunday, monday:
250€ each if you book before 30 Jannuary,
290€ each if you book before 28 february.
Or 330€ for late booking.
-La quota d’iscrizione comprende / Price includes:
-6 ore di lezione al giorno, i pranzi e le cene dei giorni di iscrizione.
-6 hours lesson a day, lunches and dinners during the day of lesson you subscribe.
– Pernottamento / Accomodation:
in zona sono presenti diversi alberghi il cui costo si aggira intorno ai 30 euro a persona.
Sarà possibile anche il pernottamento in economia (con proprio sacco a pelo) costo 10€ inclusa colazione..
There are some cheap and new hostel close to the workshop area (about 30/35€ per person per night).
It is also possible to sleep in a cheaper accomodation with your own sleeping bag an mattres. (10€ breakfast included)..
-Nota / Note:
– tutte le lezioni saranno in Italiano e verranno tradotte in inglese per gli ospiti stranieri.
-Workshop are hold in Italian and translated in english too.
Programma di lezione / Schedule:
More info and booking:
Andrea Ferroni
phone: 0039 3385812914