Ritiro di Didgeridoo 11° edizione

Data/date: 28, 29, 30 april 2018
Pictures from the    5° edition:Didgeridoo-Ritiro-5-GALLERY
Sabato 28 e Domenica 29 Aprile, ore 21:30
Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 Aprile, 9:30 pm
INFO e PRENOTAZIONI: andrea@artietradizioni.it
Corpo docenti (intermedio ed avanzato) / Teachers list (intermediate advanced level):

Fabio Goldaniga (Italy)
Fabio Goldaniga is a didgeridoo player born in Milan, Italy, he started playing in 2012 and soon began traveling around festivals and workshops to expand his skills and knowledge of the instrument and its techniques.
Despite his young career as a didge player and musician, he started teaching didgeridoo in 2014, from base to advanced level, with particular focus on a method to help his students to get indipendent and free-standing in their didgeridoo playing experience, from technique-learning to musical expression.
He’s actually working on his first didgeridoo-solo album and publishing instructional videos on Youtube, helping young players to get a better understanding of the study and practice of the didgeridoo.

He studied and practiced didgeridoo with some of the best musicians around Europe, such as Andrea Ferroni, Carlo Cattano, Marcos Andreu, Dubravko Lapaine, Hans Karlssen, Ilario Vannucchi, Gianni Placido, Ansgar Manuel Stein.

In 2017 he was one of the two winners of the Didjin’Oz didgeridoo contest and played on the stage of Swizzeridoo festival.

Andrea Ferroni (Italy)

Andrea Ferroni was born in Turin in 1977. He is known due to the research and disclosure activities along more than a decade within the project “Didgeridoo School” based in Turin – IT.  He is involved as teacher as well as didgeridoo designer and crafter. His musical instruments are played by musicians all around the world. He’s undoubtedly considered as one of the most outstanding European didgeridoo players.
Since his debut, he has been invited to all the most important didgeridoo events in Europe. His peculiar style, along with his precision and touch, won high praise by listeners and critics alike.
He is an eclectic person and enthusiastic about life. Spending an enormous energy devoted to the a great variety of activities and the rediscovery of the arts and traditions which he loves to entertain the audience and curious people.
So he founded “Arti e Traditioni” a non-profit association which hosted activities in the fields of music and dance,  arts or cultural tradition / fine manufacturing,  food and non-food self-production, communication and relationships.
Biografia e informazioni: http://www.andreaferroni.it 


Ansgar Stein (Austria)

Ansgar, a trained interior decorator and graphic-designer, picked up on the didgeridoo in 1993 after visiting a concert of the iconic Aboriginal rock band YOTHU YINDI. Drawing from inspirations of traditional and modern didgeridoo playing alike, Ansgar was not satisfied with being confined to the prevalent esoteric frame-set, so he took his love for science, his nerdy science-fiction obsession, his mechanical skills, his graphic eye and his joy of painting and costume, his admiration of language, his fascination for movementdance and musical expression, and used all these factors to feed his new-born love for the allegedly simple and yet complex didgeridoo.

Thus he developed an approach unseen before in the scene.

Apart from the musical approach, Ansgar also publishes in the field, is a founding member of and contributor to the German Online Didgeridoo Enyclopedia, and always has an eye on some of the German wikipedia-entries related to the subject.

Bio and info: http://www.projectpan.de


-Luogo / Place:
c/o Ass. “Arti e Tradizioni” località Montebruno, 2 – Garzigliana – TO
-Costo / Cost:
3 giorni – sabato, domenica, lunedì :
230€ a persona prenotando entro il 31 Dicembre,
280€ prenotando entro il 28 di febbraio versando 50€ di caparra.
Oppure 320€ a persona prenotando oltre il 28 febbraio.
3 days – saturday, sunday, monday:
230€ each if you book before 31 December,
280€ each if you book before 28 february.
Or 320€ for late booking.
-La quota d’iscrizione comprende / Price includes:
-6 ore di lezione al giorno, i pranzi e le cene dei giorni di iscrizione.
-6 hours lesson a day, lunches and dinners during the day of lesson you subscribe.
– Pernottamento / Accomodation:
in zona sono presenti diversi alberghi il cui costo si aggira intorno ai 30 euro a persona.
Sarà possibile anche il pernottamento in economia (con proprio sacco a pelo) costo 10€ inclusa colazione.
There are some cheap and new hostel close to the workshop area (about 30/35€ per person per night).
It is also possible to sleep in a cheaper accomodation with your own sleeping bag an mattres. (10€ breakfast included).
-Nota / Note: tutte le lezioni saranno in Inglese. Cercheremo di aiutare i non anglofoni con brevi traduzioni
-Workshop are hold in English.

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